I have been running the Japanese SAL blog for more than three weeks now, and am delighted that their stitching has been shown in Needleprint blog and have inspired many overseas stitchers.
(It surprised me that American bloggers were attracted to "dark brown" - not the most flashy color!)
As you may know, uniformity and following instructions is considered to be a virtue in the Japanese culture.
So, at first, when I found out the recommended fabric and DMC, I was expecting that most Japanese participants would just follow that.
Goodness, was I wrong!
However, as I visited their blogs and corresponded with some SAL participants, I found out that they felt to some extent a little "guilty" and "self-conscious" about making those changes.
Some wondered whether changing the color scheme etc. would be "disrespectful" to the originator, Mary.
So, Jacqueline's messages about "creating their own Mary Wigham" has been a real eye-opener, and has helped them enjoy this SAL even more.
As for myself - I like to follow the basic color scheme, because the most attractive thing about the original sampler is the colorfulness - but plan on changing my colors here and there.
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